Benefits of Chiropractic
Adjustments in Pregnancy 

Many pregnant women are familiar with mid-back and low back pain and are looking for relief. Others come in because they've heard how chiropractic can help them feel their best during their labor. 

Is it safe?
The benefits of chiropractic adjustments are many during pregnancy, especially if you see a chiropractor who is familiar with pregnancy, like Dr. Alex. 

How often?
It all depends on the patient and what they are seeking for their pregnancy. Beginning around week 38, Dr. Alex likes to ramp up to prepare for labor, since no one knows when the baby will come. 

We utilize Diversified, Thompson Drop, Activator,  myofascial release and trigger point therapy to help our patients feel their best. 

Breech Babies
Dr. Alex has been trained and certified in Webster Technique, which is commonly used to help loosen the ligaments attached to the uterus along with adjustments to the pelvis and sacrum. The ultimate goal is to allow the uterus to free flow in space to encourage the baby to an optimal position. 

Post-Partum Rehab
Let's face it, after pregnancy your core is completely shot. Post-partum rehab can help to regain core strength as well as help with diastasis recti and prevent chronic conditions.