The bird method difference

What causes my pregnancy pain?

Well, that question may have 10,000 answers. However, motion is key to the health of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy. A 2020 article noted that the treatment professionals should encourage movement from the inception of pregnancy to encourage healthy functionality. Now, we know there is always a question of “What can I do for (fill in the blank...i.e. exercise, pain, stretches, etc.)?” It is not unreasonable to assume that anything done prior to pregnancy, within reason and with some modification if necessary, may be safe for you, the pregnant. However, this may not be the case. You may be doing something that is hurting you and have no idea. Worse yet, you could be performing a task ritually (i.e. daily stretches, exercise routine, etc.) because you believe it is helping with no real evidence to support such actions. This routine can cause a pain spiral (i.e. painful ROM - reduced ROM - increased swelling and tension- reduced functionality-painful ROM, ….and so the cycle continues). This has been understood and observed with limited interventions due to lack of knowledge in regards to this pain cycle.

What can be done about fear-based assumptions?

When you hurt, a natural reaction is to avoid whatever hurts you (for a limited time or indefinitely) and the painful ROM that resulted directly from said incident. This fear-based avoidance of movement is not only not sustainable for the duration of pain, but can make everything worse. Thus The BIRD Method was conceived. As we always say “A ROM problem is much easier to fix than a non-ROM problem.” We can not fix something if we are unsure of what is injured, and that’s where we can create solutions for you. Additionally, we have rethought the concept of “If it feels like a good stretches it must be good. If it hurts then it must be bad.” This outdated model can cause more harm, and we can help eliminate and update your bodies to help deal with the everyday rigors of pregnancy.

How can i ensure that i am doing the right things?

“There’s No One Treatment for Every Patient, but for Every Patient There Should be a Treatment That Works. “

This what I say to patients all the time. Now, There are well documented patient surveys that can provide long term establishment of usefulness of a provided intervention. With The BIRD Method, however, we use semi-objective assessment, as well patient self-assessment to determine if the intervention was harmful or helpful, to what to degree, and what modification need to made or done in order to ensure success. All done almost instantaneously.

How can I know what is causing my problem today?

“We should and must assess pregnancy pain as a multifactorial origination and treat it. These patients, are after all, athletes of sorts. Preparing their bodies for the rigors of both carrying and delivering a human life...”

The BIRD Method was designed for the rigors of any lifestyle. Even if a some patients were seen everyday and provided intervention, but then returned to what was unknowingly undoing everything that was gained, we would be stuck in an intervention rabbit hole. Both you and I are frustrated, but both unsure or unaware of what to change, at best, or fearful of change for the sake of loosing anything we’ve gained. Most practitioners would love to have a way for the patient to self-assess progression or regression. This can help create an environment of trust in acceleration and experimentation to optimize pregnancy and the birth experience.

How long will it take me to get better?

Pregnancy treatment plans can vary based on severity of symptoms, stage of pregnancy, and position of the baby in utero, amongst other factors. There are all kinds scenarios and situations that can present with impediment to restoration and preservation of function while pregnant and during post-partum rehabilitation. When it comes to mothers, however, I can say with some certainty and with much clinical experience: Mothers are the best people, but they are the worst patients. They will take care of anybody and everybody but themselves. The BIRD Method will allow the patient some functional parameters of assessment in order to more fully comply with the treatment plan. This helps us create treatments plans and interventions that account for whatever variability comes with the inherent instability of pregnancy.

How will i know what’s working and what’s not?

Many times pregnant patients will say that they do not have time for exercises and stretches. With The BIRD Method the patient can find ways to not only assess if there is an urgent need for care and if “that feeling or pain” is something to not worry about, something of concern, or something that needs your insight as a practitioner. There is a reasonable amount of anxiety associated with pregnancy pain and what to do. Everyone will have a suggestion about what a mother should and shouldn’t be doing while pregnant. It can be overwhelming. With the BIRD method, you can tell them “I’ll take that advice and TEST IT!”

How can I know that I am getting the best treatment?

Entire schools of observation and thought have be established to answer that age old question. Now, fixing the problem is now a burden that can be shared between you and the practitioner. That street goes both ways, though. We as practitioners have to hold ourselves to the highest standard. If something is not working or causing a regression for you, then it is up to us a providers to change, modify, add, subtract, or even admit the limit of our own skill sets and find a solution for the better. With the BIRD method, we highly encourage dialogue between us and you so we can work as a team to get you feeling your best!!